Forever & For Always

Forever & For Always

Monday, July 2, 2012

Our new life!

Hi guys!!

Almost doing good on writing. :D We have had a crazy week! 

Let me start off by saying how this week went, we had a dr apt for Allie on Monday and it turned out she did have an ear infection on her right side. She is now eating a little bit more, which is good because she is already a peanut!  Then, on Thursday I had my  apt. I love my doctor! He is so amazing! I am grateful to my friends Carly and Kenna for letting me know about him! When I was there I felt completely fine! From there we went up to Salt Lake for my side of the families pictures. We went to Chuck A Rama and then went to Bountiful.  The next morning was our family reunion (Snowbird and Brighton hike) I was feeling super nauseated and we just figured it was me being preggers... I went through the whole day not being able to eat very much at all because it was making me nauseated. Even just the smell of the food made me so sick. At 8 we all ate dinner and I figured that I just got full fast. I was super weak and could not even hold Allie, I was super dizzy. I ended up going to bed at 9 feeling in pain and being so nauseated and dizzy. I was not able to sleep at all because any way I laid or sat I was hurting! Around 10 I started getting hiccups but each hiccup I would throw up a little bit. I went into the bathroom and sat on the toilet while resting my head and with in a couple of seconds I was throwing up SO much! It would not stop coming for literally 5 min. I was so scared and was bawling because the last time that I really threw up was back in the 2nd grade. From then on, I did not sleep I just sat in my bed trying to get comfy but couldnt. I threw up every hour until 5. Finally at five I called my parents down and asked them what they thought I should do. My dad said that it sounded like a gallbladder thing. My mom thought that it was just some sort of virus. 

FINALLY morning came and I went back out to the lobby and tried to eat and drink, but I was sick the instant I got food in my mouth. I did not want to start throwing up again so I opted out of eating. Instead of staying with the family reunion Nick and I decided that we needed to go to the Bountiful Insta Care. So we drove over there and as soon as we got there, we were told that it would be a 40 min wait, but then they saw that I was pregnant and said that I would go next. I went in and they took my vital signs. The nurse left and like a min. later the dr came in and was like you need to go to the ER dont stop anywhere else. 

So we left to the ER ( 15 min away) and they put me up into the Labor and Delivery Unit. They asked me about my delivery plans, so I was thinking they were going to maybe induce me! The nurse eventually let me know what was going on. She told me that they needed to take an ultra sound of my gallbladder because they said that it sounded like something was wrong with it. They gave me an ultrasound after they gave me some Percacet however you spell it... regardless of them giving it to me, it hurt so flippen bad!!!! During the ultra sound there was something on my gallbladder, the tech did not know what it was. Later the nurse said that it was nothing to worry about (after the tech asked if I was ever told that I have cancer?!?!?!).  The nurse was like we are just saying that this was a viral thing and it should go away 24-48 hours after it started.... I was already 24+ into it... but what evs! I could not eat anything at all because everything was making me nauseated and I had this constant sharp pain in my chest down to my ribs. 

When we got down to Cedar City on Sunday, I called the dr on call and he was just about as helpful as the nurse was. He said he could not tell me anything over the phone and to go to the ER or just call my dr on Monday. I decided to just give my dr a call. 

Now, we are here on Monday. I called my dr and told him everything that went on. He said that it sounded like something was wrong with my gallbladder (surprise?). He ordered some labs for me, I went in, got my blood tested and then they called me. He said that the labs were still the same as they were on Saturday, but if things are not better by Wed I would need to go down to St George to have surgery... That is all!!!!

I will let you know how things go!

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