Forever & For Always

Forever & For Always

Monday, August 22, 2011

Time for an update!

Wow! I know that it has been a while, so while Allie is sleeping I will try to update!

Allie was born June 8, 2011. I went into the doctors office for my 36 week appointment with Nick. The doctor looked at my blood pressure and said I needed to have my baby that day. WOW! We were shocked. But I was so ready to have her! The baby was breach so I had a cesarian delivery! SO EASY!

I loved seeing Nick holding our little girl! It is very special. When it happens to you, you will understand what is going on.

Lets see... Allie is now 11 weeks old! WOW! Time just flies bye when you are sleep deprived. Allie is starting to get on a schedule, but right when she is getting a hold of it we have some family outing that throws off the schedule. But we will keep trying. I am breast feeding Allie but not exclusivly. When we are in public or have guests over we will bottle feed her especially since our niece loves to feed her, hold her, play with her, etc.

Right now, I am in Colorado with my family on our family vacation. It is so fun but not where I want to be. Why is this? I have my family here who loves me and loves my baby! They love holding her and having adult conversations during the day is great! But there is one HUGE problem. My husband is not here with me! I have no idea how I can do this for a week! I said goodbye to him on Saturday and I am missing him so much. I want to cuddle with him and I want him to be with his baby.

Allie is now socially smiling! And that is so much fun! If you smile at her she will smile at you. it is great. She is way alert and loves to be awake. Especially at night. :(

I think that is all we have got. Oh Nick and I got to celebrate our anniversary! It was so incredible! We started celebrating on Saturday night. We went to the TIM MCGRAW concert! Yes!!!! It was so great! I loved listening to the music and just being with my husband. Then, on Sunday our actual day we got to bless our baby. This was such a great experience.

Okay, now my goals:

1- make some kind of recipe 2 times a week
2- Update my blog, twitter, tout, and vlog every Thursday.

Welp, I hope this all works! If you do not know that I have a twitter, tout and vlog now you do! Look me up and be apart of my life!!!!a

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